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Kaip manote ar ne dėl to Ukraina pralimi karą?
O jūsų parama visa iki cento patenka ten kur reikia?
Ataskaitos 6 psl.
"We believe that the presence of martial law and the fact that Ukraine is in a state of war cannot justify the total inaction of the Ukrainian government and President Zelensky personally, the total lack of interest in Ukrainian children who found in orphanages on the territory of Ukraine. All our questions, where the tens or hundreds of millions of dollars transferred by Western countries for humanitarian aid to children go, remain unanswered. Moreover, our initiative to provide safe zones around orphanages was torpedoed by a bribery attempt by representatives of President Zelensky's office, so on February 8, 2023, Oleksiy Titarenko, a representative of President Zelensky's office, proposed Mr. Tsoj to participate in a corruption scheme in which the Director of the President's Office Andriy Yarmak and President Zelensky personally wanted to receive 400,000 euros in cash for the organization of an international conference called Divine Shield. Following Mr. Tsoj's refusal to participate in corrupt activities, Mr. Tsoj urgently left the territory of Ukraine on February 9, 2023."
Google: childfff Report on humanitarian work carried out
O jūsų parama visa iki cento patenka ten kur reikia?
Ataskaitos 6 psl.
"We believe that the presence of martial law and the fact that Ukraine is in a state of war cannot justify the total inaction of the Ukrainian government and President Zelensky personally, the total lack of interest in Ukrainian children who found in orphanages on the territory of Ukraine. All our questions, where the tens or hundreds of millions of dollars transferred by Western countries for humanitarian aid to children go, remain unanswered. Moreover, our initiative to provide safe zones around orphanages was torpedoed by a bribery attempt by representatives of President Zelensky's office, so on February 8, 2023, Oleksiy Titarenko, a representative of President Zelensky's office, proposed Mr. Tsoj to participate in a corruption scheme in which the Director of the President's Office Andriy Yarmak and President Zelensky personally wanted to receive 400,000 euros in cash for the organization of an international conference called Divine Shield. Following Mr. Tsoj's refusal to participate in corrupt activities, Mr. Tsoj urgently left the territory of Ukraine on February 9, 2023."
Google: childfff Report on humanitarian work carried out
@Karti tiesa
Koke ce bezdionzmogiu kalba parasei??
@Susimastes ir Ko
Nekumekini english'o? Ar to kas nepatinka "nesupranti"?
@Karti tiesa
Nebijai tapti kremliaus ranka, koja, ar dar kažkuo?
Vatiniams ir stribvaikių anūkams džiaugsmui ribų nėra.
Per anksti džiaugiatės, swoolačiai.
Per anksti džiaugiatės, swoolačiai.
@Kaip kaimas - taip Berlynas?
gimęs iš kiaušinio
@Kaip kaimas - taip Berlynas?
Nu jooo..jeu vakars parais laiks ukropcams gulti laiks,ja ja!
tai aisku kad jau - P Y Z D E C tiem = BANDER PAAAAAAAADLAM o bus ir PYZDEC = PROEEEBALT CHALOPAM su genais kraujeja,lietuvos = CHALUJAM.
Laikas,kol dar nevėlu,(ir dar kas liko) derybooooooms!!!!
Kas pusdienis- kaimų užemimas tvaju mat
Kaimas_gerai...gali desros gaut...kartoshkosugult su antosike koke
Nesulaiko jie tu ruskiu frontas pramuštas
Krapų kontrnastupas įsibėgėjo, tik ne į tą pusę
@Kaip suprantu
Nastups i zelionkes pampersine?
per 9 metus nepasigamina patranku sviediniu. gerais norais karo nelaimesi. laikas gamintis amunicija
Net apkasų neišsikasė
Insidrozeu is medze neiskrites ragatku is maciutesenu pantylonu nupyzdinau guma db tik soviniu reiktu internautu butu galimatsisiust??
per 9 netus nepasigamina patranku sviediniu. gerais norais karo nelaimesi. laikas gamintis amunicija
Ukrainai teko trauktis iš dar dviejų kaimų šalia Avdijivkos