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JAV jau sedi - 36 years to life in prison: Former UFC fighter War Machine sentenced to 36 years to life in prison for assault on ex-girlfriend....."Former UFC competitor Jon “War Machine” Koppenhaver on Monday was sentenced to life in prison with possibility of parole in 36 years after being convicted on 29 separate charges in connection with an assault committed against his ex-girlfriend Christy Mackinday and her friend Corey Thomas in 2014.
Koppenhaver was found guilty on 29 out of 34 charges in a trial that took place in March in Nevada.
The former UFC fighter would be first eligible for parole in 2053, when he would be 71 years old.
Koppenhaver broke into Mack’s home and assaulted her along with her friend, Thomas, who was also at the residence at the time. Following the assault, Koppenhaver fled from police before being captured a few days later and placed in custody while awaiting trial.
Mackinday, best known by her stage name Christy Mack, testified against Koppenhaver in court after suffering through the brutal assault and accused the 35-year old fighter of a history of violence throughout their relationship.
The jury convicted Koppenhaver on a long list of charges including sexual assault, kidnapping, coercion and battery.
The jury remained hung on two additional charges of attempted murder, but based on the 29 convictions, War Machine still faced life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Ultimately, Judge Elissa Cadish ruled that the former fighter needed to face a substantial penalty for the assault before deciding on life in prison with the possibility of parole in 36 years."
Koppenhaver was found guilty on 29 out of 34 charges in a trial that took place in March in Nevada.
The former UFC fighter would be first eligible for parole in 2053, when he would be 71 years old.
Koppenhaver broke into Mack’s home and assaulted her along with her friend, Thomas, who was also at the residence at the time. Following the assault, Koppenhaver fled from police before being captured a few days later and placed in custody while awaiting trial.
Mackinday, best known by her stage name Christy Mack, testified against Koppenhaver in court after suffering through the brutal assault and accused the 35-year old fighter of a history of violence throughout their relationship.
The jury convicted Koppenhaver on a long list of charges including sexual assault, kidnapping, coercion and battery.
The jury remained hung on two additional charges of attempted murder, but based on the 29 convictions, War Machine still faced life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Ultimately, Judge Elissa Cadish ruled that the former fighter needed to face a substantial penalty for the assault before deciding on life in prison with the possibility of parole in 36 years."
Kaip tas beniukas , serbentukas laikosi? A mamyte gerai maityna? A pimpaliukas vis nestovi? Nu labai gal maziukas? I siena gerai padauzyk, bus didesnis. Ir nervai neims. Nereiks kitus dauzyti.
Ar girdi tu rm as ne joks mantas pasigydyk ir tu pz daunas ar daune
Matos is bazaro, kad cia jokia ne aukse, o ispistgalvis kzkoks. Draugelis ciuju..
Nei viena moteris tokiu komentaru nerašytų.. Gėda..
Mantai icikeviciau nerasinek aukses vardu. Nori pamatyti pirmykscius zmones i veidrodi ir i savo seimynele paziurek. Graudu, kad tokie egzistuoja.
Pati norejo po to nedave o dabar vaidina auka irgu grazi sliundra dar mazai gavo per snuki ir kur jie mato ta jos grozi matosi is snulio kas per paukste o dbr tik ji viena visi kaltina ir ji pati kalta
Man gaila tavęs
Pavidu dēl grožio ? taip ji graži ir niekas nenuneigtu, nebent tik paviduoliai.Tikriausiai nemalonu i save žiureti veidrodi. Bet kaip suprantu Dievulis, ir proto Jums pagailejo. Nieko kartais taip nutinka, nelengvas jums tikraiusiai gyvenimas, nelengvas
Matusi kas tu per paukste,tikriausiai visiems duodi,kad į snukį negautum..gaila kad esi be moralės ir savigarbos..
Smirde,pagarsink geriau is kur tokia informacija.
Kad pati kurva esi tai dar nereiskia kad visos tokios turi but,tokiu nieks ir nemusa,pati zergies kas tik nori
Tu daune sutrikus kące rašinėji tu kalė būtum jos vietoje ar norėtum kalbėt suske dar rašo ji dar suka nelaiminga.
Dabajobe tu nupistas ar nupista. Ciulpk toliau isikist bybi i virsutine rura ir neprasiziok suka
Tie suskiai dar drįsta grasinti? Pagrasintų jie man....
tas asilas yra Mantas Icikevicius, gyvena Serbentu 17, Jurbarkas
Manau viešoje vietoje nebūtų taip nutikę, jei mergaitė nebūtų kažkur nuklydusi kartu su juo. Nebent galėjo tik ją vieną užpulti, bet vakarėlio metu? Sunku suvokti??? Mergaitės taip pat nešventos. Šalia dvi mokyklos, bet vieną išsikėlė į kitą rajoną, todėl tapo ramiau, nes dabar tik pradinė mokykla. Oi kiek teko matyti vazdelių
Šventos arba ne tos mergaitės, bet taip sumalti veidą niekas teisės neturi...
Jąm reikia nupjauti tą kuris jam neduoda ramybės,kad priverčia šitaip pasielgti su mergina.
Naujos detalės: yra duomenų, kad sumuštai jurbarkiškei buvo grasinama