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Amish communities don’t get vaccinated, yet they are purported to be the healthiest group on the planet.

* „Gydytojas Vytautas Abraitis: „Kolegos, negi jūs nematote, į kokį š… pateko Lietuva ir žmonija?““ | „Biomedicinos Mokslų Daktaras Vytautas Abraitis Apie Įrodytą Skiepų Neveiksmingumą Ir Privalomų Kaukių Beprotybę“ | Pasaulyje žlunga skiepų naratyvas: [...]

• Policijos detektyvas: 50 proc. staigių kūdikių mirčių įvyko per 48 valandas po skiepijimo, bet niekam neleidžiama to sakyti | 27 lapkričio, 2023
„Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990–2019 and review of the medical literature“
5. Conclusion
This study found that a substantial proportion of infant deaths and SIDS cases occurred in temporal proximity to vaccine administration. The excess of deaths during these early post-vaccination periods was statistically significant (p < 0.00001). Several theories regarding the pathogenic mechanism behind these fatal events have been proposed, including the role of vaccine-induced inflammatory cytokines as neuromodulators in the infant medulla preceding an abnormal response to the accumulation of carbon dioxide; fatal disorganization of respiratory control induced by adjuvants that cross the blood-brain barrier; and biochemical or synergistic toxicity due to multiple vaccines administered concurrently.
There are 130 official ways for an infant to die, as categorized in the ICD, and one unofficial way for an infant to expire: from a fatal reaction to vaccines. When vaccine-related deaths are hidden within the death tables, it is difficult to monitor and prevent these deaths. In addition, parents are denied the ability to ascertain honest vaccine risk-to-benefit ratios and true informed consent to vaccination is not possible. This is why increased effort and transparency toward achieving an accurate account of vaccine-related infant mortality is a desirable goal.
perbėgau straipsnį akimis ir eilinį kartą (angl.) GOLD STANDARD PLACEBO tyrimų nei kvapo. Hm..., ir kodėl gi? Gal dėl to, kad [skiepų] nauda neįrodyta, tačiau žala: akivaizdi?
Video rekomendacija: „………. Well said / Doctor Clears Up If Doctors “KNEW” about dangerousness of Vac*ines“.
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@Skaitytojas ; taip, tikrai džiugu, kad kuo toliau, tuo daugiau tėvų supranta kas per nuodai yra [skiepai].

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